Da "X" Files ~ Sex in Second Life , Is it over-rated?
        Part One "Emoting"
 By Xavieer Jinx

In these series I am going to address a question that some of us older players of the game are asking..
 "Are people still primming in Second Life"

Ok for those that remember coming into game for the first time.
Being a noob?  Remember learning to come out with your own individual style? From your body, to hair and clothes.
Exploring different lands, meeting new people , going to the parties and yes of course going SHOPPING!
Now that I have your attention about the shopping part,, what about the first time you experienced sex on SL???
I'm not going to lie, I did not know what I was doing what so ever.. The lady I was with at the time heard about this place and we teleported there.
Yeap she took me to the Xcite@ store for SHOPPING! And it was there I that I bought the most wonderful thing I have ever seen on any game... My PENIS!!!
I mean yeah,  I played the Sims before SL and I did make my Sims do the WooHoo often..  I mean twice a day or more . But never, never have seen my male Sim's dick...
So when I saw this in SL I got really excited .. I mean the possibilities  .. BUT! That night while trying to use my off colored (cause I didn't know how to change the skin tone), off centered, object between my legs I realized that I had a lot to learn. I didn't know what the hell I was going...   Did not know how to use the HUD,  didn't know that I'm suppose to emote or click on her umm,  female parts :)  
Then some time later I met a stripper in a,  yeap!  You guessed it .. A STRIP CLUB!
And there is where I learned to art of emoting.
Emoting? You know talking and getting the other person an image of what he /she is doing to you.
I must say that I picked this up quick.
As a teen I wrote all my dirty lil thoughts down on paper. Either in a poem or a short story.  And Yes , Phone sex. So this came easy for me. I mean forget getting the color of my penis right or if it was centered or not. I could make women wet by talking .. Ha!
Of course tho I did learn how the color my penis, made it bigger and centered it .. I even learned how to use the HUD and I had clicking on her parts, changing positions on the animations  and emoting down to a science.

90% of sex is mental... and in fact 100% of virtual sex is mental..... So a professional here has to be a terrific manipulator of words and experience.
Cybersex allows people to explore their sexual fantasies, some of which are physically impossible in real life.
The real key to successful cyber-sex is an emotional connection with your partner.
But the real connection is being about express your feelings, your thoughts, your freaky side through text or yes even voice.

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